Our studio in collaboration with the scientific department of the Genosophy Company developed a novel automated procedure of visualising results.
For each of the genetic predispositions detected by the test, a corresponding icon was designed to visualise the predisposition concept. That resulted in the creation of an icons bank.
The genetic results are digitally linked with the icons bank and after each predisposition is paired with the corresponding icon, a sequence of icons is generated to depict each person’s unique genetic profile.
The aim of this project was the creation of a modern and direct visual language that connects with the genetic characteristics of each individual and the results are presented through infographics. This way, complicated genetic terms are simplified through the icon and are easily perceived by people of all ages. Furthermore, these icons aid health professionals to efficiently give guidance to their clients.
This novel upgrade of the company’s offered services with the addition of the genetic predisposition icons, as well as the ability to detect over 200 genetic predispositions, gives Genosophy a scientific and commercial head start in relation to global competition.
Naming / Branding
Visual identity design